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  • Coagulation and platelets sensing
  • ECM microstructure and biomechanics
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  • Coagulation and platelets sensing
  • ECM microstructure and biomechanics
  • Polarization attributes of tissues

Tutorial on laser speckle rheology: technology, applications, and opportunities.

Hajjarian, Zeinab, and Seemantini K. Nadkarni, DOI: 0.1117/1.JBO.25.5.050801


Comprehensive coagulation profiling at the point-of-care using a novel laser-based approach.

Seemantini K. Nadkarni, DOI: 10.1055/s-0039-1683842


Mapping mechanical properties of the tumor microenvironment by laser speckle rheological microscopy.

Zeinab Hajjarian, Elena F Brachtel, Diane M Tshikudi, and Seemantini K Nadkarni, DOI: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-20-3898


Imaging the dynamics and microstructure of fibrin clot polymerization in cardiac surgical patients using spectrally encoded confocal microscopy.

Tshikudi, Diane M., Olivier Simandoux, Dongkyun Kang, Elizabeth M. Van Cott, Michael N. Andrawes, Dvir Yelin, and Seemantini K. Nadkarni, DOI: 10.1002/ajh.26217


  • All
  • Coagulation and platelets sensing
  • ECM microstructure and biomechanics
  • Polarization attributes of tissues
  • All
  • Coagulation and platelets sensing
  • ECM microstructure and biomechanics
  • Polarization attributes of tissues

Tutorial on laser speckle rheology: technology, applications, and opportunities.

Hajjarian, Zeinab, and Seemantini K. Nadkarni, DOI: 0.1117/1.JBO.25.5.050801


Comprehensive coagulation profiling at the point-of-care using a novel laser-based approach.

Seemantini K. Nadkarni, DOI: 10.1055/s-0039-1683842


Mapping mechanical properties of the tumor microenvironment by laser speckle rheological microscopy.

Zeinab Hajjarian, Elena F Brachtel, Diane M Tshikudi, and Seemantini K Nadkarni, DOI: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-20-3898


Imaging the dynamics and microstructure of fibrin clot polymerization in cardiac surgical patients using spectrally encoded confocal microscopy.

Tshikudi, Diane M., Olivier Simandoux, Dongkyun Kang, Elizabeth M. Van Cott, Michael N. Andrawes, Dvir Yelin, and Seemantini K. Nadkarni, DOI: 10.1002/ajh.26217

<a href="https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33971046" ...

Leartprapun N, Zeng Z, Hajjarian Z, Bossuyt V, Nadkarni SK. Laser speckle rheological microscopy reveals wideband viscoelastic spectra of biological tissues. Sci Adv. 2024 May 10;10(19):eadl1586. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.adl1586. Epub 2024 May 8. PMID: 38718128; PMCID: PMC11078189.

Zeinab Hajjarian Kashany, Seemantini Nadkarni, “Laser speckle particle sizer (SPARSE) for characterizing cellular structures in tissue,” Proc. SPIE PC12856, Biomedical Applications of Light Scattering XIV, PC1285604 (13 March 2024);

Seemantini K. Nadkarni, “Multiplexed coagulation profiling to predict hemorrhage at the point the care,” Proc. SPIE PC12374, Microfluidics, BioMEMS, and Medical Microsystems XXI, PC123740B (6 March 2023);

Pablo Gonzalez Polanco, Nicholas Uvanovich, Seemantini Nadkarni, “Development of 3D printed milli-fluidic passive mixers for point of care analysis of biofluids,” Proc. SPIE PC12374, Microfluidics, BioMEMS, and Medical Microsystems XXI, PC1237402 (6 March 2023);

Leartprapun N, Zeng Z, Hajjarian Z, Bossuyt V, Nadkarni SK. Speckle rheological spectroscopy reveals wideband viscoelastic spectra of biological tissues. bioRxiv [Preprint]. 2023 Jun 9:2023.06.08.544037. doi: 10.1101/2023.06.08.544037. Update in: Sci Adv. 2024 May 10;10(19):eadl1586. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.adl1586. PMID: 37333220; PMCID: PMC10274797.

Razavi MS, Lei PJ, Amoozgar Z, Leartprapun N, Nadkarni SK, Baish JW, Padera TP, Munn LL. Regeneration of collecting lymphatic vessels following injury. Res Sq [Preprint]. 2023 Jul 3:rs.3.rs-3025656. doi: 10.21203/rs.3.rs-3025656/v1. PMID: 37461473; PMCID: PMC10350186.

K. Otuska et al., “Abstract 9511: Sex Difference of Fibrous Cap Collagen Content in Patients With Coronary Artery Disease: An Intravascular Polarimetry Study,” Circulation 146(Suppl_1), A9511-A9511 (2022).

Lee H, Seeger MR, Lippok N, Nadkarni SK, van Soest G, Bouma BE. Nanosecond SRS fiber amplifier for label-free near-infrared photoacoustic microscopy of lipids. Photoacoustics. 2022 Jan 15;25:100331. doi: 10.1016/j.pacs.2022.100331. PMID: 35096525; PMCID: PMC8783138.

Hajjarian Z, Brachtel EF, Tshikudi DM, Nadkarni SK. Mapping Mechanical Properties of the Tumor Microenvironment by Laser Speckle Rheological Microscopy. Cancer Res. 2021 Sep 15;81(18):4874-4885. doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-20-3898. PMID: 34526347; PMCID: PMC8524785.

Hajjarian Z, Nadkarni SK. Technological perspectives on laser speckle micro-rheology for cancer mechanobiology research. J Biomed Opt. 2021 Sep;26(9):090601. doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.26.9.090601. PMID: 34549559; PMCID: PMC8455299.

Tshikudi DM, Simandoux O, Kang D, Van Cott EM, Andrawes MN, Yelin D, Nadkarni SK. Imaging the dynamics and microstructure of fibrin clot polymerization in cardiac surgical patients using spectrally encoded confocal microscopy. Am J Hematol. 2021 Aug 1;96(8):968-978. doi: 10.1002/ajh.26217. Epub 2021 May 21. PMID: 33971046.

Hajjarian Z, Toussaint JD, Guerrero JL, Nadkarni SK. In-vivo mechanical characterization of coronary atherosclerotic plaques in living swine using intravascular laser speckle imaging. Biomed Opt Express. 2021 Mar 16;12(4):2064-2078. doi: 10.1364/BOE.418939. PMID: 33996217; PMCID: PMC8086462.

Ren J, Shishkov M, Villiger ML, Otsuka K, Nadkarni SK, Bouma BE. Single-catheter dual-modality intravascular imaging combining IVUS and OFDI: a holistic structural visualisation of coronary arteries. EuroIntervention. 2021 Dec 3;17(11):e919-e922. doi: 10.4244/EIJ-D-20-00990. PMID: 34219665; PMCID: PMC8649034.

Tripathi MM, Tshikudi DM, Hajjarian Z, Hack DC, Van Cott EM, Nadkarni SK. Comprehensive Blood Coagulation Profiling in Patients Using iCoagLab: Comparison Against Thromboelastography. Thromb Haemost. 2020 Jul;120(7):1116-1127. doi: 10.1055/s-0040-1712956. Epub 2020 Jun 22. PMID: 32572866.

D. M. Tshikudi, A. G. Wirth, M. N. Andrawes, and S. K. Nadkarni, “Monitoring Anticoagulation and Hemostasis in Cardiac Surgical Patients with a Drop of Whole Blood Using a Novel Optical Sensor,” in Biophotonics Congress: Biomedical Optics 2020 (Translational, Microscopy, OCT, OTS, BRAIN), OSA Technical Digest (Optica Publishing Group, 2020), paper TW4B.4.

Hajjarian Z, Nadkarni SK. Tutorial on laser speckle rheology: technology, applications, and opportunities. J Biomed Opt. 2020 May;25(5):1-19. doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.25.5.050801. PMID: 32358928; PMCID: PMC7195443.

Z. Hajjarian, E. Brachtel, D. Tshikudi, and S. Nadkarni, “Laser Speckle Micro-rheology for biomechanical mapping of breast carcinoma,” in Biophotonics Congress: Biomedical Optics 2020 (Translational, Microscopy, OCT, OTS, BRAIN), OSA Technical Digest (Optica Publishing Group, 2020), paper TM4B.5.

Otsuka K, Villiger M, van Zandvoort LJC, Neleman T, Karanasos A, Dijkstra J, van Soest G, Regar E, Nadkarni SK, Daemen J, Bouma BE. Polarimetric Signatures of Vascular Tissue Response to Drug-Eluting Stent Implantation in Patients. JACC Cardiovasc Imaging. 2020 Dec;13(12):2695-2696. doi: 10.1016/j.jcmg.2020.07.009. Epub 2020 Aug 19. PMID: 32828773; PMCID: PMC7736522.

Otsuka K, Villiger M, Karanasos A, van Zandvoort LJC, Doradla P, Ren J, Lippok N, Daemen J, Diletti R, van Geuns RJ, Zijlstra F, van Soest G, Dijkstra J, Nadkarni SK, Regar E, Bouma BE. Intravascular Polarimetry in Patients With Coronary Artery Disease. JACC Cardiovasc Imaging. 2020 Mar;13(3):790-801. doi: 10.1016/j.jcmg.2019.06.015. Epub 2019 Aug 14. PMID: 31422135; PMCID: PMC7241775.

Otsuka K, Villiger M, van Zandvoort LJC, Neleman T, Karanasos A, Dijkstra J, van Soest G, Regar E, Nadkarni SK, Daemen J, Bouma BE. Polarimetric Signatures of Vascular Tissue Response to Drug-Eluting Stent Implantation in Patients. JACC Cardiovasc Imaging. 2020 Dec;13(12):2695-2696. doi: 10.1016/j.jcmg.2020.07.009. Epub 2020 Aug 19. PMID: 32828773; PMCID: PMC7736522.

Otsuka K, Villiger M, Karanasos A, van Zandvoort LJC, Doradla P, Ren J, Lippok N, Daemen J, Diletti R, van Geuns RJ, Zijlstra F, van Soest G, Dijkstra J, Nadkarni SK, Regar E, Bouma BE. Intravascular Polarimetry in Patients With Coronary Artery Disease. JACC Cardiovasc Imaging. 2020 Mar;13(3):790-801. doi: 10.1016/j.jcmg.2019.06.015. Epub 2019 Aug 14. PMID: 31422135; PMCID: PMC7241775.

Otsuka K, Villiger M, Nadkarni SK, Bouma BE. Intravascular Polarimetry: Clinical Translation and Future Applications of Catheter-Based Polarization Sensitive Optical Frequency Domain Imaging. Front Cardiovasc Med. 2020 Aug 28;7:146. doi: 10.3389/fcvm.2020.00146. PMID: 33005632; PMCID: PMC7485575.

Parada G, Yu Y, Riley W, Lojovich S, Tshikudi D, Ling Q, Zhang Y, Wang J, Ling L, Yang Y, Nadkarni S, Nabzdyk C, Zhao X. Ultrathin and Robust Hydrogel Coatings on Cardiovascular Medical Devices to Mitigate Thromboembolic and Infectious Complications. Adv Healthc Mater. 2020 Oct;9(20):e2001116. doi: 10.1002/adhm.202001116. Epub 2020 Sep 17. PMID: 32940970.

Doradla P, Otsuka K, Nadkarni A, Villiger M, Karanasos A, Zandvoort LJCV, Dijkstra J, Zijlstra F, Soest GV, Daemen J, Regar E, Bouma BE, Nadkarni SK. Biomechanical Stress Profiling of Coronary Atherosclerosis: Identifying a Multifactorial Metric to Evaluate Plaque Rupture Risk. JACC Cardiovasc Imaging. 2020 Mar;13(3):804-816. doi: 10.1016/j.jcmg.2019.01.033. Epub 2019 Apr 17. PMID: 31005542; PMCID: PMC9919872.

Nadkarni SK. Comprehensive Coagulation Profiling at the Point-of-Care Using a Novel Laser-Based Approach. Semin Thromb Hemost. 2019 Apr;45(3):264-274. doi: 10.1055/s-0039-1683842. Epub 2019 Mar 18. PMID: 30887486; PMCID: PMC7350951.

D. M. Tshikudi, A. G. Wirth, M. N. Andrawes, and S. K. Nadkarni, “Anticoagulation and hemostasis monitoring during cardiac surgery with a drop of whole blood using a novel optical sensor,” in Novel Biophotonics Techniques and Applications V, Vol. EB102 of SPIE Proceedings (Optica Publishing Group, 2019), paper 11075_68.

Otsuka K, Villiger M, Nadkarni SK, Bouma BE. Intravascular Polarimetry for Tissue Characterization of Coronary Atherosclerosis. Circ Rep. 2019 Dec;1(12):550-557. doi: 10.1253/circrep.CR-19-0102. PMID: 32432174; PMCID: PMC7236778.

Villiger M, Braaf B, Lippok N, Otsuka K, Nadkarni SK, Bouma BE. Optic axis mapping with catheter-based polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography. Optica. 2018 Oct 20;5(10):1329-1337. doi: 10.1364/OPTICA.5.001329. PMID: 31214632; PMCID: PMC6581518.

Villiger M, Otsuka K, Karanasos A, Doradla P, Ren J, Lippok N, Shishkov M, Daemen J, Diletti R, van Geuns RJ, Zijlstra F, Dijkstra J, van Soest G, Regar E, Nadkarni SK, Bouma BE. Repeatability Assessment of Intravascular Polarimetry in Patients. IEEE Trans Med Imaging. 2018 Jul;37(7):1618-1625. doi: 10.1109/TMI.2018.2815979. PMID: 29969412; PMCID: PMC6088245.

Villiger M, Otsuka K, Karanasos A, Doradla P, Ren J, Lippok N, Shishkov M, Daemen J, Diletti R, van Geuns RJ, Zijlstra F, van Soest G, Libby P, Regar E, Nadkarni SK, Bouma BE. Coronary Plaque Microstructure and Composition Modify Optical Polarization: A New Endogenous Contrast Mechanism for Optical Frequency Domain Imaging. JACC Cardiovasc Imaging. 2018 Nov;11(11):1666-1676. doi: 10.1016/j.jcmg.2017.09.023. Epub 2017 Dec 13. PMID: 29248662; PMCID: PMC5994172.

Hajjarian Z, Tshikudi DM, Nadkarni SK. Evaluating platelet aggregation dynamics from laser speckle fluctuations. Biomed Opt Express. 2017 Jun 30;8(7):3502-3515. doi: 10.1364/BOE.8.003502. PMID: 28717586; PMCID: PMC5508847.

Tripathi MM, Egawa S, Wirth AG, Tshikudi DM, Van Cott EM, Nadkarni SK. Clinical evaluation of whole blood prothrombin time (PT) and international normalized ratio (INR) using a Laser Speckle Rheology sensor. Sci Rep. 2017 Aug 23;7(1):9169. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-08693-5. PMID: 28835607; PMCID: PMC5569083.

Tshikudi DM, Tripathi MM, Hajjarian Z, Van Cott EM, Nadkarni SK. Optical sensing of anticoagulation status: Towards point-of-care coagulation testing. PLoS One. 2017 Aug 3;12(8):e0182491. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0182491. PMID: 28771571; PMCID: PMC5542647.

S. K. Nadkarni, “Laser Speckle Rheology and Micromechanics,” in Optics in the Life Sciences Congress, OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optica Publishing Group, 2017), paper OmM4D.1.

K. Otsuka et al., “Abstract 11595: Characterization of Human Coronary Atherosclerosis Using Polarization-Sensitive Optical Frequency Domain Imaging,” Circulation 136(suppl_1), A11595-A11595 (2017).

Hajjarian Z, Nia HT, Ahn S, Grodzinsky AJ, Jain RK, Nadkarni SK. Laser Speckle Rheology for evaluating the viscoelastic properties of hydrogel scaffolds. Sci Rep. 2016 Dec 1;6:37949. doi: 10.1038/srep37949. PMID: 27905494; PMCID: PMC5131361.

M. Villiger, A. Karanasos, J. Ren, N. Lippok, M. Shishkov, G. van Soest, S. Nadkarni, E. Regar, and B. E. Bouma, “Intravascular polarization sensitive optical coherence tomography in human patients,” in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optica Publishing Group, 2016), paper AW1O.2.

Pei X, Nadkarni S, Li ZY. A parametric study of inflammatory effects on plaque mechanical stress. Int J Cardiol. 2016 Feb 15;205:157-159. doi: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2015.12.019. Epub 2015 Dec 15. PMID: 26736091.

Wang J, Hosoda M, Tshikudi DM, Hajjarian Z, Nadkarni SK. Intraluminal laser speckle rheology using an omni-directional viewing catheter. Biomed Opt Express. 2016 Dec 8;8(1):137-150. doi: 10.1364/BOE.8.000137. PMID: 28101407; PMCID: PMC5231287.

Hajjarian Z, Tripathi MM, Nadkarni SK. Optical Thromboelastography to evaluate whole blood coagulation. J Biophotonics. 2015 May;8(5):372-81. doi: 10.1002/jbio.201300197. Epub 2014 Apr 3. PMID: 24700701; PMCID: PMC4605542.

S. K. Nadkarni, M. Tripathi, D. Tshikudi, E. van Cott and Z. Hajjarian, “Blood coagulation sensing at the point of care,” 2015 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), San Jose, CA, USA, 2015, pp. 1-3, doi: 10.1364/CLEO_AT.2015.ATh4J.1.

Hajjarian Z, Nadkarni SK. Estimation of particle size variations for laser speckle rheology of materials. Opt Lett. 2015 Mar 1;40(5):764-7. doi: 10.1364/OL.40.000764. PMID: 25723427; PMCID: PMC4605544.

Suter MJ, Kashiwagi M, Gallagher KA, Nadkarni SK, Asanani N, Tanaka A, Conditt GB, Tellez A, Milewski K, Kaluza GL, Granada JF, Bouma BE, Tearney GJ. Optimizing flushing parameters in intracoronary optical coherence tomography: an in vivo swine study. Int J Cardiovasc Imaging. 2015 Aug;31(6):1097-106. doi: 10.1007/s10554-015-0668-0. Epub 2015 Apr 29. PMID: 25922149; PMCID: PMC4490049.

Tripathi MM, Hajjarian Z, Van Cott EM, Nadkarni SK. Assessing blood coagulation status with laser speckle rheology. Biomed Opt Express. 2014 Feb 24;5(3):817-31. doi: 10.1364/BOE.5.000817. PMID: 24688816; PMCID: PMC3959840.

Hajjarian Z, Nadkarni SK. Correction of optical absorption and scattering variations in Laser Speckle Rheology measurements. Opt Express. 2014 Mar 24;22(6):6349-61. doi: 10.1364/OE.22.006349. PMID: 24663983; PMCID: PMC4083052.

M. Villiger, B. Vakoc, S. Nadkarni, and B. E. Bouma, “Intravascular polarization sensitive optical coherence tomography,” in Biomedical Optics 2014, OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optica Publishing Group, 2014), paper BW4A.4.

Wang J, Nadkarni SK. The influence of optical fiber bundle parameters on the transmission of laser speckle patterns. Opt Express. 2014 Apr 21;22(8):8908-18. doi: 10.1364/OE.22.008908. PMID: 24787780.

Hajjarian Z, Nadkarni SK. Evaluation and correction for optical scattering variations in laser speckle rheology of biological fluids. PLoS One. 2013 May 21;8(5):e65014. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0065014. PMID: 23705028; PMCID: PMC3660338.

Villiger M, Zhang EZ, Nadkarni SK, Oh WY, Vakoc BJ, Bouma BE. Spectral binning for mitigation of polarization mode dispersion artifacts in catheter-based optical frequency domain imaging. Opt Express. 2013 Jul 15;21(14):16353-69. doi: 10.1364/OE.21.016353. PMID: 23938487; PMCID: PMC3724396.

Villiger M, Zhang EZ, Nadkarni S, Oh WY, Bouma BE, Vakoc BJ. Artifacts in polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography caused by polarization mode dispersion. Opt Lett. 2013 Mar 15;38(6):923-5. doi: 10.1364/OL.38.000923. PMID: 23503261; PMCID: PMC3657722.

Nadkarni SK. Optical measurement of arterial mechanical properties: from atherosclerotic plaque initiation to rupture. J Biomed Opt. 2013 Dec;18(12):121507. doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.18.12.121507. PMID: 24296995; PMCID: PMC4696609.

Hajjarian Z, Nadkarni SK. Evaluating the viscoelastic properties of tissue from laser speckle fluctuations. Sci Rep. 2012;2:316. doi: 10.1038/srep00316. Epub 2012 Mar 16. PMID: 22428085; PMCID: PMC3306019.

Tearney GJ, Regar E, Akasaka T, Adriaenssens T, Barlis P, Bezerra HG, Bouma B, Bruining N, Cho JM, Chowdhary S, Costa MA, de Silva R, Dijkstra J, Di Mario C, Dudek D, Falk E, Feldman MD, Fitzgerald P, Garcia-Garcia HM, Gonzalo N, Granada JF, Guagliumi G, Holm NR, Honda Y, Ikeno F, Kawasaki M, Kochman J, Koltowski L, Kubo T, Kume T, Kyono H, Lam CC, Lamouche G, Lee DP, Leon MB, Maehara A, Manfrini O, Mintz GS, Mizuno K, Morel MA, Nadkarni S, Okura H, Otake H, Pietrasik A, Prati F, Räber L, Radu MD, Rieber J, Riga M, Rollins A, Rosenberg M, Sirbu V, Serruys PW, Shimada K, Shinke T, Shite J, Siegel E, Sonoda S, Suter M, Takarada S, Tanaka A, Terashima M, Thim T, Uemura S, Ughi GJ, van Beusekom HM, van der Steen AF, van Es GA, van Soest G, Virmani R, Waxman S, Weissman NJ, Weisz G; International Working Group for Intravascular Optical Coherence Tomography (IWG-IVOCT). Consensus standards for acquisition, measurement, and reporting of intravascular optical coherence tomography studies: a report from the International Working Group for Intravascular Optical Coherence Tomography Standardization and Validation. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2012 Mar 20;59(12):1058-72. doi: 10.1016/j.jacc.2011.09.079. Erratum in: J Am Coll Cardiol. 2012 May 1;59(18):1662. Dudeck, Darius [corrected to Dudek, Darius]; Falk, Erlin [corrected to Falk, Erling]; Garcia, Hector [corrected to Garcia-Garcia, Hector M]; Sonada, Shinjo [corrected to Sonoda, Shinjo]; Troels, Thim [corrected to Thim, Troels]; van Es, Gerrit-Ann [correct. PMID: 22421299.

Tearney GJ, Regar E, Akasaka T, Adriaenssens T, Barlis P, Bezerra HG, Bouma B, Bruining N, Cho JM, Chowdhary S, Costa MA, de Silva R, Dijkstra J, Di Mario C, Dudek D, Falk E, Feldman MD, Fitzgerald P, Garcia-Garcia HM, Gonzalo N, Granada JF, Guagliumi G, Holm NR, Honda Y, Ikeno F, Kawasaki M, Kochman J, Koltowski L, Kubo T, Kume T, Kyono H, Lam CC, Lamouche G, Lee DP, Leon MB, Maehara A, Manfrini O, Mintz GS, Mizuno K, Morel MA, Nadkarni S, Okura H, Otake H, Pietrasik A, Prati F, Räber L, Radu MD, Rieber J, Riga M, Rollins A, Rosenberg M, Sirbu V, Serruys PW, Shimada K, Shinke T, Shite J, Siegel E, Sonoda S, Suter M, Takarada S, Tanaka A, Terashima M, Thim T, Uemura S, Ughi GJ, van Beusekom HM, van der Steen AF, van Es GA, van Soest G, Virmani R, Waxman S, Weissman NJ, Weisz G; International Working Group for Intravascular Optical Coherence Tomography (IWG-IVOCT). Consensus standards for acquisition, measurement, and reporting of intravascular optical coherence tomography studies: a report from the International Working Group for Intravascular Optical Coherence Tomography Standardization and Validation. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2012 Mar 20;59(12):1058-72. doi: 10.1016/j.jacc.2011.09.079. Erratum in: J Am Coll Cardiol. 2012 May 1;59(18):1662. Dudeck, Darius [corrected to Dudek, Darius]; Falk, Erlin [corrected to Falk, Erling]; Garcia, Hector [corrected to Garcia-Garcia, Hector M]; Sonada, Shinjo [corrected to Sonoda, Shinjo]; Troels, Thim [corrected to Thim, Troels]; van Es, Gerrit-Ann [correct. PMID: 22421299.

Hajjarian Z, Nadkarni SK. Measurement of bulk mechanical properties of tissue using laser speckle rheology. Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2011;2011:5746-8. doi: 10.1109/IEMBS.2011.6091422. PMID: 22255645; PMCID: PMC4599701.

Hajjarian Z, Nadkarni SK. Depth-resolved mapping of tissue mechanical properties using a novel optical approach. Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2011;2011:5742-5. doi: 10.1109/IEMBS.2011.6091421. PMID: 22255644; PMCID: PMC4617770.

Z. Hajjarian and S. K. Nadkarni, “Depth-resolved mapping of tissue mechanical properties using a novel optical approach,” 2011 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Boston, MA, USA, 2011, pp. 5742-5745, doi: 10.1109/IEMBS.2011.6091421.

Suter MJ, Nadkarni SK, Weisz G, Tanaka A, Jaffer FA, Bouma BE, Tearney GJ. Intravascular optical imaging technology for investigating the coronary artery. JACC Cardiovasc Imaging. 2011 Sep;4(9):1022-39. doi: 10.1016/j.jcmg.2011.03.020. PMID: 21920342; PMCID: PMC3583353.

Hajjarian Z, Xi J, Jaffer FA, Tearney GJ, Nadkarni SK. Intravascular laser speckle imaging catheter for the mechanical evaluation of the arterial wall. J Biomed Opt. 2011 Feb;16(2):026005. doi: 10.1117/1.3533322. PMID: 21361689; PMCID: PMC3056316.

Liu L, Gardecki JA, Nadkarni SK, Toussaint JD, Yagi Y, Bouma BE, Tearney GJ. Imaging the subcellular structure of human coronary atherosclerosis using micro-optical coherence tomography. Nat Med. 2011 Jul 10;17(8):1010-4. doi: 10.1038/nm.2409. PMID: 21743452; PMCID: PMC3151347.

Nadkarni SK, Bouma BE, de Boer J, Tearney GJ. Evaluation of collagen in atherosclerotic plaques: the use of two coherent laser-based imaging methods. Lasers Med Sci. 2009 May;24(3):439-45. doi: 10.1007/s10103-007-0535-x. Epub 2008 Apr 2. PMID: 18386093; PMCID: PMC2776077.

Nadkarni SK, Bouma BE, Yelin D, Gulati A, Tearney GJ. Laser speckle imaging of atherosclerotic plaques through optical fiber bundles. J Biomed Opt. 2008 Sep-Oct;13(5):054016. doi: 10.1117/1.2982529. PMID: 19021396; PMCID: PMC2637516.

Nadkarni SK, Pierce MC, Park BH, de Boer JF, Whittaker P, Bouma BE, Bressner JE, Halpern E, Houser SL, Tearney GJ. Measurement of collagen and smooth muscle cell content in atherosclerotic plaques using polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2007 Apr 3;49(13):1474-81. doi: 10.1016/j.jacc.2006.11.040. Epub 2007 Mar 21. PMID: 17397678; PMCID: PMC2785549.

Kawasaki M, Bouma BE, Bressner J, Houser SL, Nadkarni SK, MacNeill BD, Jang IK, Fujiwara H, Tearney GJ. Diagnostic accuracy of optical coherence tomography and integrated backscatter intravascular ultrasound images for tissue characterization of human coronary plaques. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2006 Jul 4;48(1):81-8. doi: 10.1016/j.jacc.2006.02.062. Epub 2006 Jun 9. PMID: 16814652.

Nadkarni SK, Bilenca A, Bouma BE, Tearney GJ. Measurement of fibrous cap thickness in atherosclerotic plaques by spatiotemporal analysis of laser speckle images. J Biomed Opt. 2006 Mar-Apr;11(2):021006. doi: 10.1117/1.2186046. PMID: 16674181; PMCID: PMC2978660.

Nadkarni SK, Bouma BE, Helg T, Chan R, Halpern E, Chau A, Minsky MS, Motz JT, Houser SL, Tearney GJ. Characterization of atherosclerotic plaques by laser speckle imaging. Circulation. 2005 Aug 9;112(6):885-92. doi: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.104.520098. Epub 2005 Aug 1. PMID: 16061738; PMCID: PMC2957879.

Nadkarni SK, Boughner D, Fenster A. Image-based cardiac gating for three-dimensional intravascular ultrasound imaging. Ultrasound Med Biol. 2005 Jan;31(1):53-63. doi: 10.1016/j.ultrasmedbio.2004.08.025. PMID: 15653231.

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R. Chan, A. Chau, S. Nadkarni, W. C. Karl, N. Iftimia, G. J. Tearney, and B. E. Bouma, “A Variational Framework for Tissue Velocimetry in Vascular Optical Coherence Elastography,” in Biomedical Topical Meeting, OSA Technical Digest (Optica Publishing Group, 2004), paper SG6.

S. K. Nadkarni, B. E. Bouma, T. Helg, M. S. Minsky, R. Chan, J. Motz, and G. J. Tearney, “Identification of vulnerable atherosclerotic plaque by analysis of time-varying laser speckle patterns,” in Biomedical Topical Meeting, OSA Technical Digest (Optica Publishing Group, 2004), paper WC3.

Nadkarni SK, Austin H, Mills G, Boughner D, Fenster A. A pulsating coronary vessel phantom for two- and three-dimensional intravascular ultrasound studies. Ultrasound Med Biol. 2003 Apr;29(4):621-8. doi: 10.1016/s0301-5629(02)00730-5. PMID: 12749933.

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Nadkarni SK, Boughner DR, Drangova M, Fenster A. In vitro simulation and quantification of temporal jitter artifacts in ECG-gated dynamic three-dimensional echocardiography. Ultrasound Med Biol. 2001 Feb;27(2):211-22. doi: 10.1016/s0301-5629(00)00334-3. PMID: 11316530.

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Nadkarni SK, Boughner DR, Drangova M, Fenster A. Three-dimensional echocardiography: assessment of inter- and intra-operator variability and accuracy in the measurement of left ventricular cavity volume and myocardial mass. Phys Med Biol. 2000 May;45(5):1255-73. doi: 10.1088/0031-9155/45/5/313. PMID: 10843104.

S. K. Nadkarni, D. Boughner and A. Fenster, “Four-dimensional (4D) echocardiography: analysis of temporal jitter due to asynchronous image acquisition,” Proceedings of the First Joint BMES/EMBS Conference. 1999 IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology 21st Annual Conference and the 1999 Annual Fall Meeting of the Biomedical Engineering Society (Cat. N, Atlanta, GA, USA, 1999, pp. 1066 vol.2-, doi: 10.1109/IEMBS.1999.804224.